High-net-worth individuals

High-net-worth individualsHigh-net-worth individuals
  1. Overall , investments outside of China make up about 20 % of total assets owned by high-net-worth individuals in China .


  2. Only 16 % of high-net-worth individuals inherited their stash , according to Capgemini .


  3. Michelle Smith and Mark Hill are both Certified Financial Divorce Analysts with more than 20 years ' experience advising high-net-worth individuals .


  4. The international banks will generally still have the key market share because to be able to service these high-net-worth individuals , you would need the global network and execution capabilities , he said .


  5. Capgemini says the number of high-net-worth individuals in the world ( by their definition ) fell by 15 % in 2008 , to 8.6m .


  6. But while the rich are sending their families and assets overseas , only 6 % of the Chinese high-net-worth individuals have taken up foreign citizenship , according to Boston Consulting Group .


  7. Choi said that the company had not raised any money from venture capital firms but that he had a bunch of private investors who are high-net-worth individuals who believe in the company .


  8. The Forbes report revealed that only 13 percent of the mass affluent group have invested overseas contrary to previous studies by the Hurun Research Institute which showed over a third of China 's high-net-worth individuals have done so .


  9. In 10 years ' time perhaps thousands of Japan 's high-net-worth individuals will be relaxing in such salons , within earshot of discreetly piped classical music , with a snort of oxygen to boost their spirits .


  10. " If you make the assumption that portfolio allocation remains the same across asset classes it is a reasonable assumption to make that these high-net-worth individuals will not be back to the levels that they saw before the financial crisis , " he said .


  11. According to a report by the private-wealth division at Barclays , China 's high-net-worth individuals put 17 percent of their wealth in these type of investments , compared to 9 percent of America 's rich and only 7 percent of the British wealthy .


  12. Still , Stephen Brodie , a partner at law firm Herrick , Feinstein in New York who represents six different private banks in lending to high-net-worth individuals , says art loans are ' far more common ' today than they were three or four years ago .


  13. In a survey published last year , about 80 % of high-net-worth Chinese individuals said they planned to send their children overseas to study , according to the Hurun Research Institute , which tracks China 's wealthy individuals .
